Hay Fever

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Of all the many kinds of allergies a person can have, hay fever is probably the most common – and least popular. Hay fever is nothing more than an allergic reaction to different plant pollens which float about in the air we breath.

Hay fever cures In a way, hay fever is like a cold which drags on for weeks. For many people, antihistamines are a great source of temporary relief. For other, the allergic reaction might be so severe that relief only comes through a series of desensitizing shot distributed by a professional allergist.

Other people have found relief from hay fever symptoms by going through a series of acupuncture sessions, starting a few weeks before the plant the are allergic to begins pollinating.

You might also try adjusting your diet to include lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, mustard, horseradish, onions, and garlic. A diet change may help ease your allergic reactions.

Stay away from pollen Whether you are a little or a lot allergic to pollen, you best bet is to stay away from whatever bothers you. If you have outside chores, the best time to do them is early morning on days with little wind. By min-dmorning the dew that has kept plant pollen damp and out of the air has evaporated.

Stay Out of Wind Times to definitely stay indoors are windy days, days with high pollen counts, and right after a rain storm when humidity and pollen levels are high.

If you can afford it, hair someone to cut your grass and tend your garden. If you have to do it yourself, wear a face mask (available at any pharmacy or farm supply store) which covers your nose and mouth. After gardening or farm supply store) which covers your nose and mouth. After gardening or mowing, rinse your body and clothes off under the hose and then go directly inside and take a good shower. These measures directly inside and take a good shower. These measures will reduce the number of pollen grains you bring into your house.

Use an air conditioner in your home and car to keep pollen away from your nose. However, make sure the air you are circulating is not coming directly from an outside source, but rather through a filtering system first. Keep your air conditioner filters clean, and periodically clean out the air filtration system in your car.

Green Creatures In Your Home When inside, don’t forget the little green creatures who reside in your house. Flowering houseplants have also been known to add to hay fever discomfort. If you have lots of plants at home, maybe now is the time to winnow your collection down and give the flowering plants to friends and relatives. By doing this, you do yourself a favor even as you give the people you like a nice gift.