Nose Picking

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Let’s face it. We all pick our noses. Even the president of the United States picks his nose now and then. But for some people, picking the nose becomes a compulsion, much like nail biting. Can this lead to further medical problems, and how can one stop excessive nose picking?

Infection Possible The nose, mouth, throat, and sinuses are easily infected. If you stick your finger in your nose more often than you should, germs on the end of your finger could find easy breeding territory in the moist linings of your nose. Cuts in the nasal passage are another hazard that can result from your finger nails whether they’re well-clipped or not. Even microscopic lacerations that draw no visible blood, can open the door even wider to bacteria and infection. Avid nose-pickers may see more pimples in and around the nose due to increased oil deposits from the fingers. Worse nose pickers can cut the interior of their nose so badly that the wounds have to be surgically burned shut. If you’ve reached this level of nose picking, you should seek out a psychologist who can help you modify your behavior with classical reward and punishment conditioning techniques.

If you pick your nose frequently, do it gently and make sure your fingers are washed and clean. That way you will not be infecting your nose with germs that can lead to greater

Problems. Remember, a habit. Through will power, behavior modification and possibly hypnosis, a habit can be kicked. If a smoker can throw away the cigarettes and a nail biter can stop chewing, you can stop picking your nose.