Cancer common sense

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Randon! Magnetic fields! Pesticides on your fruits!

Each of these has been fingered by scientists within the past 10 years as potential causes of cancer in humans, and while you can have your home tested for radon and wash your fruit before you eat it, there isn’t much you can do about magnetic fields short of moving to the Yukon – and even there you’re getting a bit close to the magnetic field of the North pole.

The truth about magnetic fields seems to be, however, is that there only a very small chance that you can get cancer from living close to a powerline or other source of electromagnetic energy. Still, a small chance large enough for those few people who are unlucky enough to be affected. Even so, you can do a great deal to avoid cancer without resorting to extreme measures or trying to keep up with all the latest cancer reports. Scientists agree that quitting smoking, reducing your alcohol and fat intake, staying our of the sun, and eating properly can greatly reduce your chances of contracting cancer. And all of these items are under your control. The number one cause of cancer in the united states is tobacco. Carcinogens in tobacco lead to more than lung and throat cancer. You are also more prone to bladder, pancrease, and cervical cancer. Chewing tobacco greatly increases your risk of getting gum, mouth, and throat cancer why take the chance of getting these cancers, all of which are painful, expensive, and life-shortening? See what you can do about kicking the nicotine habit. (see nicotine in this book).

Doctors have also linked heavy duty alcohol usage to cancers of the liver, throat, and mouth. And if you drink and smoke a lot, you quadruple your chances of contracting cancer. Drinking in moderation seems to have no cancer causing affect on humans. If you are prone to too much alcoholic drink, slow down or call your local AA chapter.

Many people love the joys of basking in warm sunlight. It’s relaxing and your skin ends up with a nice brown glow. But excessive amounts of sunlight leaves the door wide open to skin cancer. In fact, of the half million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer reported in the united states each years, almost all of them are directly linked to heavy sunlight exposure. To avoid potential cancer problems, stay out of the sun as much as possible. Use sunscreens, especially on small children, and wear light weight clothing on your body if you know you will be outside for a long time. Another cause of cancer may be excessive amounts of fat in your diet. This finding is based upon the fact that obese people seem more prone to colon, breast, and other cancers than thinner people. Reduce your intake of fat and increase the amounts of healthy foods you eat. You’ve heard that whole grains provide your body with the fiber it needs to fight off colon cancer. Another source of fiber are fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, many fruits and vegetables contain the antioxidant vitamins A and E. and beta carotene, which may actually attack potential cancer cells.

Finally, make self-examinations a regular habit. Men should check their testicles for lumps, and both men and women should do monthly breast exams. If you have pain or swelling somewhere on your body that you can’t explain and won’t go away. Make an appointment with your doctor. Look for unusually-shaped odd colored charge of your body, and with teamwork from your doctor, you can do a great deal to avoid potential cancers.