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It is a viral disease. It is divided into gaoaps. A.B.C.D and types of Hepatitis. In Hepatitis A Patients eyeschoice and urine geto following lake of pitite occuse. Pains in back occuss. This type of Hepatities can cure easily with cuse and Prevention. But the most dangerous types are bandle these two types ae common in of population. Round about 90% people of our society are misfiring from hepatitis B and C. In these case apper explained sympteres are appeased in the patient. Couses of Hepatitis are use of blind sex use of distydict and water. Belind use of medicine unfortunates like suxrings. Blind blood transfer from a man to other man. In ht early stages liver becomes enlarged and in the third stage the line strinks and serons occuss. Stoal, sking colous becomes black and lines burs using of patient become dark around and finally the patient goes in the valley of death. Use of sex blind in males and females is the main reason.