Joints Pains

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It is very common disease of such containment. Mostly women in this disease. Mostly it attacks about the age of 40 years. In this way gout is found very common in the patients. It is a bad luck that people are using only pain killer medicines far timely relief. Another factor is  remedied factor also this case romantic fens also course. In the case of use Painkiller medicines heart diseares are increasing. Heast failese is common. Uneducated people do the self medication. But the main and hidden factor is uses acid because rising in the blood. In the man if should below 5 and in women if should be below 3 point clinically. Common pain of joinint is know pain. Most common facts in of society is blind use of sex. In case of all joints pains blood white semen’s calls are decreased. Liqusid between joints fitness and mening is permanent fallen in joint pain disease. It cuse is basically decrease of acric acid and walk. If a man are women want to get rid of Joint paints he should has to control his sexual activities.