Pimples of Face

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Pimples of face are common Ainease in both boys and girls. Some casen are due to the month time. Some cases are due to male nutrition and use of spicy food couse this disease. But 70% case are seem because of sexual intiscont of males with females and also because of male intercourse with males. If these face pimples are not cure intial they can be converted in dangerous discase like eechgema and procasis, beside if use of casmatics of face for make up can also cause pimples and infection of face specialy harmful chemicals are leaving used in beasity soops and reams. If the face piples are filled with pus cous. So we can day that the germs are doing had with face and health. In the cases of pus pusturls we should use proper antispation by consulting same skine specialcy. The use of soaps are creams should be stopped snd diet of spicy things should be stopped use of water should be increased. The hood complete report of prtient should be taken by taj laboratory. Then a proper cure can be alone.